“Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”
—Albert Einstein

1. “Depleted Uranium – The Endless Legacy for the World” by Jay Shaft

2. “Death By Slow Burn – How America Nukes Its Own Troops” by Amy Worthington

3. “Use of Depleted Uranium in Iraq in 1991” – An Interview with Major Doug Rokke

When you reach a point in war when the contamination and the health effects of war can’t be cleaned up because of the weapons you use, and medical care can’t be given to the soldiers who participated in the war on either side or to the civilians affected, then it’s time for peace.

4. “Perpetual Death” by Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD

5. “To All Concerned Humanitarians” by Ali Famly

6. “Remains of Toxic Bullets Litter Iraq” by Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor

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