
As we're sure all of you know, "Operation Iraqi Freedom" began last night with an attack on a "target of opportunity" in Baghdad, and is continuing today.

In this time of war, we will endeavor to bring you articles and views we feel are being blocked out of or inadequately covered by mainstream news sources.

However, our resources and time are small relative to the hourly deluge of information, misinformation, disinformation and propaganda sure to be flowing from the Twin Ministries of Managed Truth -- the corporate-owned media and the US Government.

We encourage you to seek out many sources of information on your own during this time, and always. If you come across something you feel is both compelling and under-reported, please do not hesitate to forward it on to us so that we may help spread the word. Truthful information is crucial in a time like this, and as the maxim goes, "Truth is the first casualty of War."

Keep tuned to the Pacifica Radio Network as well as the Common Dreams (http://www.commondreams.org) and IndyMedia (http://www.indymedia.org) websites for breaking news and analysis, and also to the various sites we cull our info from, links to which have appeared in our posts.

Spread useful information to as many who will listen. Forward our posts and other articles you feel are important... in other words: Become the Media.

As always, we also appreciate your feedback and comments on the situation, be they ultra-intellectual rantings, heartfelt emotional pleas for sanity, or anywhere in between. Feel free to email us either at mail@victoryiscertain.com. If we get a significant amount of it, we will post some listmember comments. Please indicate whether or not you would like your name and email address listed in any postings; we will respect your wishes.

Stay strong, stay INFORMED, and continue to express opposition to this insane adventure that our government has initiated in the way most meaningful to you. The going will get tougher and the accusations of 'unpatriotic' and 'Saddam-sympathizer' etc. will grow louder and more frequent. Do your best to communicate to people how destructive and counter-productive this war is, armed as you are with information from this and other sources.

Our position remains as it has -- against this insane war. Make no mistake, we would like to see Hussein removed from power, just as the Chicken Hawks would. On that point, we and the far-right are in agreement. However, we cannot square that wish with these points, among others:

1. the killing of innocent Iraqi civilians and destruction of their societal infrastructure,

2. the growth of resentment against the US and the increased probability of terrorist attacks as a result of the invasion,

3. the stepping up of violence against the Palestinians under the cover of war in Iraq and continued lack of any progress toward a peaceful resolution of that conflict,

4. the increased instability of an already unstable area of the world,

5. the unanswered question of how exactly the reconstruction of Iraq will be carried out, what form of government is going to be installed, and who will really be in charge, and,

6. the use of depleted uranium and possibly nuclear weapons by coalition forces, contaminating irreparably the nation they claim to be saving, and endangering the health of both the Iraqi people and our own military personnel.

Peace and love to all of you in this difficult time. Reject the demented vision of our warmongering so-called leaders, the would-be authors of empire. Speak out wherever you feel it appropriate, be creative, and spread love.

In solidarity,
Victory is Certain

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

--Theodore Roosevelt
(remarks in 1918 on President Woodrow Wilson's suppression of dissent against U.S. involvement in World War I)




*ONE: Tell Bush 'Don't Use Nuclear Weapons in Iraq'
*TWO: Donate to the Working Assets Iraqi Emergency Relief Fund
*THREE: Tell Rumsfeld 'Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home Now'
*FOUR: Contribute to the Working Assets Anti-War Billboard Fund
*FIVE: Come Together with Peaceful People in Your Community


Don't Use Nuclear Weapons in Iraq

There is now a risk that American military forces will use tactical nuclear weapons for the first time in human history. In May 2002, the administration dramatically altered U.S. policy, allowing for preemptive attacks against countries with weapons of mass destruction and also allowing our forces to use our own weapons of mass destruction against them even if that country did not use them first. Unfortunately, this means that battlefield nuclear weapons could be used in Iraq for so-called "bunker-busting" efforts and as a tactic against massed Iraqi forces.

Take action!

**Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread the word about this important campaign!


Donate to the Working Assets Iraqi Emergency Relief Fund

Help innocent civilians!

The Iraqi people will need our assistance to rebuild their lives and to create new institutions for democratic civil society in the aftermath of war. Please contribute generously to this emergency fund.

All proceeds will be granted to nonprofit groups working to rebuild Iraq and assist the victims of war.

Complete your credit card donation using the secure form below. Your contribution is tax deductible. Click below to make a donation now.

Thank you for your generous support.

**Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread the word about this important campaign!


Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home Now

An unprecedented opposition to the war, both home and abroad, has failed to convince the Bush administration to act in accordance with world opinion and avoid a preemptive war with Iraq. Now, regardless of how we feel about the war, we must support the safety of our military. The Bush administration should work to protect our troops and minimize human suffering on all sides.

Take action!

**Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread the word about this important campaign!


Working Assets Anti-War Billboard Fund
Contribute right now at http://www.workingassets.com/nowar

Working Assets and concerned citizens like you have quickly raised tens of thousands of dollars to put the message "Support our Troops. Bring them home NOW!" on high visibility billboards on the San Francisco Bay Bridge and outside the Holland Tunnel in New York City. Billboards are also on their way up in Los Angeles and Texas. It's vital that we get these billboards mounted in other high-impact media markets, including Washington, D.C. Click on the link below to see an image of the proposed billboard and to contribute right now.

Note: Contributions to the Working Assets Anti-War Billboard Fund are not tax deductible.

**Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread the word about this important campaign!


Come Together with Peaceful People in Your Community

We urge everyone to find some way to join with friends and neighbors to oppose this war in a visible way. In practically every town and city, there will be vigils, rallies, acts of peaceful disobedience and religious services. Fortunately, these events are too numerous to list in any one place. This is not a time to be alone and watch television coverage of the war.

(((visit http://www.unitedforpeace.org for events in your area)))

And of course another easy thing you can do right now to protect innocent American and Iraqi lives is forward this email to your friends, family and neighbors. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you for speaking out on issues that matter.

Jennifer Willis
21 March 2003